Join as Institution
If you are interested in becoming an institutional member of the ARC Alliance, please email us or fill out the form at the bottom of this page. The following information is our Institutional Membership Policy.
Institutional Membership
The Academic Research Community (ARC) Alliance invites non-profit educational and research organizations to become members of the ARC Alliance. Eligible organizations include all non-profit universities, colleges, government research laboratories, and other non-profit research organizations. For-profit organizations are excluded from membership. There is no direct cost of membership for eligible member organizations, and organizations can join and resign membership at any time with no minimum period of membership required. Similarly, the privilege of membership in the ARC Alliance can be revoked if a member institution has not fulfilled the obligations of membership.
Advantages of Membership
The advantages of ARC Alliance membership include: (1) Diamond Open Access publishing in ARC Alliance journals with no direct fees paid for publication of articles authored by members; (2) retention of copyright by scholars producing all scholarly works; (3) open access to all data used for all publications; (4) assistance for scholars from member institutions to become involved with and/or create a new ARC Alliance journal at no direct cost; (5) free access to journal workflow templates, and guidance in launching and maintaining journals; and (6) association with like-minded institutions promoting the altruistic, non-profit ARC Alliance model of scholarly publishing.
Obligations of Membership
The obligations of ARC Alliance membership include: (1) contributions to some combination of knowledge production, peer-review, and production; (2) permitting and encouraging involvement with ARC Alliance journals for members of the organization; (3) valuing of ARC Alliance publications based upon their intrinsic quality and merit; (4) promotion of ARC Alliance content through appropriate electronic institutional resources (e.g., link on library website); and (5) where possible and appropriate, electronic hosting of ARC Alliance journals to help ensure persistent and enduring access to all journals.