Technical Implementation
Key Tenets
- Accessible publishing through Diamond Open Access.
- No article processing charge (APCs) fees for authors.
- ARC Alliance institutional members will support leadership, editorial, production, and dissemination activities.
- Standardized submission system for authors and journals.
- Turnkey publishing software covering the entire publishing process will be open-source and freely available.
- Journals can display their articles using standardized format, while supporting personalized look and feel of each journal.
Initial Development
We are partnering with several projects with similar goals to develop an open-source software solution that addresses all publishing needs from article creation to distribution and preservation. The core technology pieces are an underlying open-source journal system (both Open Library of Humanities Janeway and Open Journal Systems (OJS) are supported), with the Next Generation Digital Library Meru interface on top of this. We are partnering with the University of North Carolina Press on their Partnership for Open Publishing (POP) project. An initial POP system has been developed under existing grant funding during 2021-2023. With additional funding, beginning in the summer of 2023, we will test and evaluate this new system in supporting journals published in the UNC system. In 2024, we will open the system up for anyone to use. The complete system can be easily run and adopted at any institution.